Thursday 14 July 2011

Shrek Smoothie!

What  a GORGEOUS day! My morning started with the usual routine - getting my son out of the door and in the car in time for breakfast club at his school. However, verging a little on the neurotic I like to make sure he has a good starter for the day...before the cardboard toast and polystyrene cereals descend on his system. Yes, it's what's on offer and they expect their brains to run well on that, hmm... So the only way I can let him go is by making a fabulous Shrek Smoothie for us. We did run a bit late today, owing to my determination to capture my green glop progress on film.

Can I just say please bare with me? I have a new laptop and camera but at the cost of my beloved design software; Photoshop and Quark, which I can't afford to replace. So things are looking a little amateur this end, much to my horror as I battle with various Freeware off the internet that is supposed to resemble my preferred programmes but really doesn't.

Anyway I digress, this is how it goes...

This is what makes it green!
Some of our home-grown veggies.

This is what makes it yummy!
Large slice of pineapple, large orange, banana, blueberries, leaves and flax seeds (1 tbsp pp) Add filtered water...approx 8oz for this amount - this will make 2 huge glasses...or 3-4 smaller!
Pith haters - leave it on! Your cells will thank you for it :)
Raw-fooders, apologies - I don't believe in juicing but I do believe our bodies are designed to break stuff down and digest and a smoothie allows us to do this. It also makes use of all the fibre - the whole deal, not just the juice. Liquidisers are a lot more economical too. Let me know your thoughts?

Preparation complete. Give it a whizz...


Bye for now!
